
Subcontractor allegedly injured on water tank's faulty stairs


Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Subcontractor allegedly injured on water tank's faulty stairs


BELLEVILLE — A subcontractor claims he was injured while working on a water tank after the stairs' handrail collapsed. 

Terry Obermiller filed a complaint April 22 in the St. Clair County Circuit Court against L. Keeley Construction Inc., Ameren Illinois Inc., Ameren Inc., Ameren Transmission Company of Illinois and E-Tank LTD, alleging negligence. 

According to his complaint, Obermiller was working as a subcontractor on a construction project at an Ameren substation in East Carondelet on Nov. 17, 2020. He alleges that while working on a water tank, the hand rail on the tank collapsed and caused him to fall down the stairs and suffer injuries. 

Obermiller claims the defendants are negligent for failing to supervise the work on the project or inspect the equipment being used. He also claims the defendants are negligent for failing to provide safe equipment for employees and sub contractors, allowing defective equipment to be used on the project and failing to warn of the defective equipment at the job site. 

Obermiller seeks compensation of more than $50,000 and all other just relief. He is represented by Jon Rosenstengel of Bonifield & Rosenstengel PC in Belleville. 

St. Clair County Circuit Court case number 21-L-0384

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