
Insurer accused of failing to notify policy holder of cancellation


Monday, March 31, 2025

Insurer accused of failing to notify policy holder of cancellation


EDWARDSVILLE — A Madison County man claims his insurance provider is using bogus excuses to avoid payment of a claim for the loss of his tractor equipment due to a fire.  

Dale Grapperhaus filed a complaint April 8 in Madison County Circuit Court against Country Mutual Insurance Company and Brett Miller alleging breach of contract and negligence. 

Grapperhaus entered into a contract for insurance with Country Mutual through Miller, according to the suit. Grapperhous alleges that on Oct. 11, 2020, he "sustained a complete loss of his "Case-IH combine AF 7320 and forty-foot Case I-H combine head 2162" due to a fire that was not his fault. 

He claims the loss of his equipment is more than $250,000 and that he "promptly reported" the loss to Country Mutual. He alleges that on Oct. 13, 2020, "an agent or employee" of Country Mutual declared his equipment "a total loss" and advised him that his claim would not be honored due to a cancellation of his policy for "nonpayment of premiums." 

Grapperhaus further alleges he never received any notice regarding the cancellation of his policy until Oct. 16, 2020. He also claims that he made a payment to Miller at his office in August of 2020, but that Miller "failed to note the bill" for his policy and failed to inform him of a payment due date. 

Grapperhaus seeks monetary relief of more than $60,000 and all other just relief. He is represented by G. Michael Stewart of Simmons Hanly Conroy LLC in Alton. 

Third Judicial Circuit for Madison County case number 2021L000437

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