
Suit alleges truck driver caused multi-vehicle crash


Monday, March 10, 2025

Suit alleges truck driver caused multi-vehicle crash


BELLEVILLE — A truck driver is accused of negligently veering into another lane while traveling on Interstate 55, allegedly causing a multi-vehicle crash. 

Bridgette Ebersoldt and Kevin Ebersoldt filed a complaint Dec. 7 in the St. Clair County Circuit Court against Merrell Enterprises LLC, Ernest Lumley and Richard Snyder, alleging negligence. 

According to the compliant, the Ebersoldts were driving south on Interstate 55 in St. Clair County on Dec. 15, 2018. The plaintiffs allege Lumley, who was a truck driver for Merrell Enterprises, steered his truck into their lane causing their vehicle to spin in front of the truck and across two lanes of traffic. The plaintiffs' vehicle was then hit by Snyder's vehicle. 

The plaintiffs claim Bridgette Ebersoldt suffered permanent injuries, including to her cervical spine, that have caused her to "become liable for large sums of money" in medical bills, to suffer mental anguish, disability, disfigurement and lost wages. 

The Ebersoldts claim Snyder is negligent for failing to stop his vehicle in time.

They also claim Lumley failed to keep a proper look out, failed to keep proper control of the truck he was operating and failed to keep the truck in the appropriate lane. 

The Ebersoldts seek compensation of more than $75,000 and all other just relief. They are represented by Thomas Keefe, III of Keefe, Keefe & Unsell PC in Belleville. 

St. Clair County Circuit Court case number 20-L-0969


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