
Haine: Violations of state's COVID-19 orders will not result in criminal charges by his office


Sunday, February 23, 2025

Haine: Violations of state's COVID-19 orders will not result in criminal charges by his office

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Madison County State’s Attorney Tom Haine issued a legal opinion analyzing the criminal enforceability of Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s Executive Orders and the Emergency Rule issued by the Illinois Department of Public Health, finding that violations would not result in criminal charges by his office. 

Haine concluded that “an individual would not be committing a crime if he or she were to violate the Emergency Rule issued by the Illinois Department of Public Health or any of the Governor’s COVID-19 Executive Orders, as these mandates do not contain a legal basis for prosecution against an individual citizen. Accordingly, my office is neither able nor willing to file criminal charges against anyone suspected of violating these directives from the State of Illinois.”

While Haine noted that there are state statutes that authorize criminal prosecutions for certain actions relating to the pandemic, he added that his office will use discretion.

“Of course, the duty of the public prosecutor is to seek justice, not merely convict,” he wrote. “Therefore, the State’s Attorney is granted absolute discretion regarding whether or not to prosecute a particular case. In exercising that discretion, my office is cognizant that citizens’ Constitutional rights are not suspended during this pandemic and must not be violated.”

Haine released the two-page legal opinion Thursday stating that he directed a “close legal review” of COVID-19 criminal legal issues that possibly concern his office. 

“That question ultimately comes down to which of the various rules and proclamations issued by Governmental authorities provide for criminal enforcement, which in Madison County, is the responsibility of the State’s Attorney’s Office,” Haine wrote. 

He made the the legal opinions public “to provide a clear reference point for both public officials and private citizens relating to COVID-19 enforcement in Madison County, and to alleviate the concerns of many individuals who rightly feel an obligation to follow the law but are confused as to what the law actually is regarding the many COVID-19 mitigation protocols issued over the past months.”

In his legal opinion, Haine concluded:

  • “There is no legal basis to criminally prosecute any individual, business, church, or any other entity for only a violation of any of the Governor’s Executive Orders relating to COVID-19. These Executive Orders contain no criminal enforcement mechanisms. Even if they are amended to contain such a provision, the statute upon which these Executive Orders are based (the Emergency Management Agency Act) specifically places the responsibility for enforcement solely upon the Emergency Agencies established by the Act - not State’s Attorneys. 
  • “There may be a legal basis to criminally prosecute persons for actions peripherally related to the COVID-19 pandemic but that also violate existing criminal statutes. For example, a business is within its rights to request an individual leave the premises if they refuse to wear a mask or comply with other COVID-19-related rules. Failure to leave after this request may result in a criminal trespass charge. Other criminal statutes may be violated by acting recklessly or without regard for the health and safety of others. These include, but may not be limited to, disorderly conduct and/or reckless conduct. Finally, law enforcement officers can, subject to the discretion of each individual law enforcement agency and within their community caretaking role, issue lawful dispersal orders. Violating such orders could provide the legal basis for criminal prosecution.
  • “There may be a legal basis to criminally prosecute businesses or other similar entities who violate the Emergency Rule issued by the Illinois Department of Public Health relating to COVID-19. However, this Emergency Rule, which has not changed since August, cannot be the basis of the arrest or citation of any individual (the rule can only be enforced against businesses and similar entities) and has no bearing on whether any business establishment may provide indoor dining. Further, my office’s enforcement of this Emergency Rule will be on a case by case basis and will not be prioritized over more serious offenses. 
  • “The Madison County Health Department may seek a court order requiring a person to isolate or quarantine, or a business to close, based on a known or suspected COVID-19 infection or outbreak. If this occurs, the State’s Attorney’s Office will abide by the dictates of the Illinois Department of Public Health Act, which prescribes a detailed process through which such orders are obtained and by which criminal liability may attach.
  • “My office will continue to enforce the Madison County Code and violations of that Code, such as operating a business without a business license. However, in the unlikely event that a business license is revoked due only to an alleged failure to abide by the aforementioned COVID-19 mandates and that business nonetheless continues to operate in a manner otherwise in compliance with applicable rules and regulations, my office will strictly scrutinize any request for prosecution against an individual license holder. After all, those same COVID-19 mandates specifically exclude the criminal prosecution of individuals for their violation. 
  • “My office is not involved in the prosecution of the Edwardsville mask mandate, which is a city ordinance and not a criminal matter.
  • “Local governmental authorities are reminded that they could incur serious civil liability if they take actions that burden Constitutional rights - such as the freedom to worship - without a compelling and legally justified need to act in each specific circumstance.”
Haine noted that his legal opinions specifically apply to the criminal enforceability of the COVID-19 mandates by his office. 

He stressed that violating COVID-19 mandates could carry civil liability, loss of insurance coverage, or business licensing penalties. Those risks are unrelated to the actions and discretion of the State’s Attorney’s Office, he wrote. 

Haine recommended Madison County businesses and organizations seek legal counsel to discuss civil, insurance, and licensing risks before taking actions related to the issues. 

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