
Former Home Depot employee alleges customer ran into her with car


Sunday, March 9, 2025

Former Home Depot employee alleges customer ran into her with car


EDWARDSVILLE — A former Home Depot employee is suing a customer she alleges drove into her with his truck while she was attempting to load a box into his vehicle. 

Lisa Anderson filed a complaint  Nov. 18 in the Madison County Circuit Court against David File, alleging negligence. 

Anderson was employed at the Home Depot located on Homer Adams Parkway in Alton, according to her complaint. She alleges that on Nov. 7, she was helping to load a "large box" into the back of File's vehicle. Anderson claims that when File was trying to park in the loading zone within the store parking lot, he struck her and others when he drove his vehicle into them. 

Anderson claims she suffered "both temporary and permanent" injuries and incurred medical, doctor and hospital bills as a result of her injuries. 

She alleges File was negligent in failing to have control over his vehicle, failing to apply the brakes and failing to "keep a proper lookout," which caused him to allegedly drive his vehicle into her and others. 

Anderson seeks compensation of more than $50,000 and all other just relief. She is represented by Lanny Darr of The Darr Law Offices LTD in Alton. 

Madison County Circuit Court case number 20-L-001624


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