
House Republican candidates call for Madigan to resign amid bribery implications


Tuesday, February 18, 2025

House Republican candidates call for Madigan to resign amid bribery implications

Letter to the Editor

To the Editor:

House Republican candidates Amy Elik, Lisa Ciampoli, and David Friess call on Democratic incumbents Monica Bristow, Katie Stuart, and Nathan Reitz to stand up for the citizens of their districts and reject Michael Madigan as Speaker, and return and refuse all campaign contributions from corrupt Democratic leaders’ tainted coffers. 

Investigations, indictments, arrests, allegations of bribery and pay-to-play, sexual harassment, and even the cover-up of rape swirl around House Speaker Michael Madigan and have ensnared his closest associates and contributors, yet Democratic lawmakers and candidates have stood by in silence. 

Illinoisans are left to wonder, What will it take for Democrats to reject their corrupt leaders? 

Federal legal documents released today point to Madigan as “Public Official A.” It alleges the exchange of legislative and regulatory influence and vendor subcontracts for campaign contributions and jobs for patronage workers. Federal investigators continue to pursue information of this scheme of fraud and public corruption, but Illinoisans cannot wait for reform. 

Statements from each candidate are below: 

Amy Elik, candidate for District 111:

Illinoisians deserve ethical leadership. State Rep. Monica Bristow has stood shoulder to shoulder with Speaker Michael Madigan, benefitting from the $1.3 million he poured into her race last cycle. 

Time and again, Springfield politicians like Bristow have looked the other way as Madigan finds himself in a web of corruption. Madigan and Bristow can’t hide anymore as the truth about the pay-to-play politics comes to light. Today, I’m calling on Bristow to join me in saying Michael Madigan must resign.

Lisa Ciampoli, candidate for District 112:

We all know Mike Madigan engages in dirty politics, amassing his power by bankrolling candidates and then controlling their votes, including our current representative, Katie Stuart.  

Last election Katie Stuart benefited from close to $350,000 from Madigan even after there were calls for him to resign after mishandled sexual harassment allegations at the statehouse.  

Will Rep. Stuart look the other way again? Or will she join me calling for Madigan to resign? 

It’s time for an independent leader with no ties to Madigan. I’m running to stand up and be your voice.

David Friess, candidate for District 116:

The time is now for my opponent to denounce the driving force behind a decades-long public corruption and organized white collar crime ring. 

I challenge my opponent to renounce his support for Mike Madigan and join me in calling for his immediate resignation. To continue to stay silent is to endorse the kind of corrupt self-dealing that has plagued our state for too long.


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