
'Edwards'ville in hot water; Group says statue must go, but name can stay


Saturday, February 22, 2025

'Edwards'ville in hot water; Group says statue must go, but name can stay

Letter to the Editor

To the Editor:

Word has trickled down from up north in Edwardsville that though he’s been dead for almost 200 years the city’s namesake is in hot water. A group on social media has decided that the statue of Ninian Edwards, a former Governor of the Illinois Territory, and the plaza where it stands needs to go away. Not to worry, organizers on their Facebook group stated that they’re OK (for now) with the city still being named after Edwards. It’s pretty myopic that they condone living in a city named after a slaveholder but can’t allow his statue and plaza to stand. 

Like probably most of those over 600 who signed on to the FB account, I haven’t done much research into what made Edwards so great back in 1805 when Edwards’ friend, European-American settler Thomas Kirkpatrick, named the budding community after his pal. These days the truth is not always considered and surely won’t set you free. In hindsight, which Edwards’ naysayers would proclaim is always 20-20, Kirkpatrick should have done something more Trumpian and just named it after himself. Kirkpatrickville doesn’t exactly roll smoothly off the tongue.

If the recent anti-Trump social media activity directed against filling the seats at his Tulsa, Oklahoma rally is any indication social media users can be pretty disingenuous. In this instance, they requested thousands of tickets on-line yet never intended to go. A Kpop (Korean pop) mega band even joined in with on-line videos encouraging their fans to join the trolling.

Democrat Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the self-appointed moral compass of America, chimed in by tweeting, "Kpop allies, we see and appreciate your contributions in the fight for justice too." Whatever happened to Democrat concerns that foreign entities have and would try to influence our presidential election? Oh, the hypocrisy! 

Meanwhile I’m busy cleaning out my cupboard and fridge. Aunt Jemima syrup and pancake mix, Uncle Ben’s rice, and Land O’Lakes butter and half has to go. Stupid me, when I bought ’em I thought they were just food.  

Bill Malec, O’Fallon


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