
Pritzker must open state and cut taxes to avoid disaster


Saturday, March 1, 2025

Pritzker must open state and cut taxes to avoid disaster

Their View

Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker must begin to open up the State of Illinois and cut taxes, if the state is to avoid going under.

Pritzker is doing exactly the wrong things, and unless he changes course soon, Illinois is finished.

The governor is not a stupid man, but he certainly is acting stupidly. He just extended the coronavirus lockdown in Illinois to the end of May, and he stubbornly continues to support his Income Theft Amendment, a graduated state income tax designed to prop up the sick state government-employee pension funds. If approved, this amendment to the State Constitution would totally destroy Illinois’ middle class, put more minority and low-income residents out of work, and accelerate the exodus of taxpayers from Illinois to states with lower taxes.

Illinois private-sector businesses and residents need significant tax relief, and they need it now. They can’t go on forever supporting the lavish, gold-plated pensions of retired government employees, many of who retired in their middle fifties and will be paid to do nothing for decades.

The quality of life in Illinois is plummeting. The Illinois Policy Institute recently stated that ‘Illinoisans shoulder among the highest tax burdens of any state, and that should come with robust services. But soaring debt and pension costs have left too little room for the things residents need most from government.’ And things will get much worse if Pritzker has his way.

Pritzker wants to offset the state’s decline in revenue with a huge state income tax hike, but this would virtually eliminate any chance the state has of recovering a viable economy. According to the April 20 edition of Wirepoints, ‘Illinois enacting a progressive tax hike is like Sears attempting a turnaround by hiking prices.’ Illinois taxpayers must contact their elected representatives of both political parties and demand that they oppose Gov. Pritzker’s destructive policies.


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