
ILLINOIS ATTORNEY GENERAL: Attorney General Raoul Issues Statement in Response to Decision in Affordable Care Act Repeal Lawsuit


Wednesday, March 12, 2025

ILLINOIS ATTORNEY GENERAL: Attorney General Raoul Issues Statement in Response to Decision in Affordable Care Act Repeal Lawsuit

Illinois Attorney General issued the following announcement on Dec. 18.

Attorney General Kwame Raoul issued the following statement after the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals issued a decision in Texas v. U.S., known as the Affordable Care Act (ACA) repeal lawsuit.

The ruling held one provision of the ACA, the individual mandate, unconstitutional. The decision sends the repeal lawsuit back to the district court, with the remaining provisions of the ACA remaining in effect.

“As we review the court’s decision to determine how it will impact the people of Illinois, we will coordinate with our coalition partners to continue the fight to protect health care for the millions of people, including hundreds of thousands of Illinois residents, who rely on the Affordable Care Act for coverage,” Raoul said.

The 5th Circuit’s ruling imperils rights and protections that Americans gained under the Affordable Care Act, including:

More than 12 million Americans who received coverage through Medicaid expansion.

Nearly 9 million individuals nationwide who receive tax credits to help afford insurance through individual marketplaces.

Millions of working families who rely on high-quality, employer-sponsored insurance plans.

Nearly $1.3 trillion in federal funding, including Medicaid expansion and public health dollars.

Original source can be found here.

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