Case/Case # | Lawyers |
Norberto A. Serano; Tariq K. Bilal v. Amy Christon; J. S; John Smith; Karyn Swan-Serano; Ms. E. Prewit
3:19-cv-01120-SMY | - |
Maurice Brough v. Sgt. Marvin; Shawnee Correctional Center
3:19-cv-01119-NJR | - |
Enos F. Taplin v. Amy Campaneli; Ashley Miler; Brian W. Carol; Bruce Rauner; C. Smith; C/o Drale; C/o Koch; C/o Vison; C/o Zaler; Camron Watson; Chris Jose Delrosario; Counselor Inbaden; Counselor Keler; Counselor McCaslin; Counselor Rawald; Counselor Vasquez; Counselor Wykes; Darel F. Oman; David Rolecki; Dee Dee Brookhart; Dr. Caldwel; Dr. Pitman; Fisher; Hicks; J. Dye; J. Loche; J.B. Pritzker; Jaqulen Lashbrok; John Baldwin; K. Kaler; K. Roberts; Lacie Livingston; Lieutenant Goding; Lieutenant Hitchens; Lieutenant Pridy; Major Westfall; Maranda Tate; Marcos Reyes; Michael P. Melvin; Nurse Nano; Nurse Rue; Nurse Wilinston; Oaks; Oficer Delany; Oficer Howel; Oficer Hughes; Paty Sned; Price; Randy P. Fister; Rice; Rob Jeferys; Sherer; Teri Kenedy; Thomas J. Part
3:19-cv-01123-NJR | Xinyi Wei (defendant's attorney) |
Oct. 15: U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Illinois docket for "550 prisoner: civil rights" cases