
Vote Rauner, lest Illinois gain speed in downward spiral


Saturday, February 22, 2025

Vote Rauner, lest Illinois gain speed in downward spiral

Letter to the Editor
Webp letter editor 03

To the Editor:

For most of my 90 years of life, Illinois was like heaven on earth for raising my children. Moderate Illinois tax rates made it possible for us to live comfortably.

In mid-1970s things changed - a tax burden so Machiavellian no one can understand. It seemed like Farley's Ghost from Scrooge appeared from the mist to haunt the modern day Bob Cratchit and his watered down gruel. This bleak scenario pretty much describes what Illinois Gov. Bruce Rauner inherited when elected governor in 2014.

Miracles still happen. Illinois is once again a heaven on earth. But far left progressive Marxist oriented and elite opinion creators won't admit the truth because that would destroy their reason for existence.

Who created such an unexpected recovery? Two men working separately, Rauner and Trump, created millions of well paying jobs for qualified people who worked hard and enjoyed their jobs.

We now have more good jobs than qualified job seekers. This statistic defines prosperity as not just around the corner, but here now,

But none of these miracles will continue to happen unless Gov. Rauner is re-elected. No one. Rauner has recommended to the legislature a comprehensive plan to gradually restore Illinois to a sound budget basis.

People who live in Illinois must elect enough Republicans to have a veto proof majority. Rauner has already vetoed wasteful General Assembly bills. I predict Illinois voters will re-elect Rauner. Only then will Illinois be as in the days of yore - truly heaven on earth - for us all.

President Trump added billions of dollars to the national economy, including Illinois, at no cost to tax payers. He did so by lowering or eliminating hundreds of business taxes and regulations, with more to come.

Trump has created prosperity nobody predicted, except Trump. How does he govern? It's simple. Prior to election he personally explained what he planned to do, and then he did it.

As an old Illinois farmer with an interest in a family farm since 1850, I know thousands of them will continue to support Trump. They will do so because Trump will negotiate tariff rates more favorable to American farmers.

To re-create heaven on earth, all must remember Gov. Rauner is the only elected official who has defeated the Chicago gang in his first election and has the ability to save us all. Without Rauner, Illinois becomes a third world jungle.

Illinois voters are not dumb - just too dumb and lazy to use common sense and decide fact from fiction for themselves.

If a majority of voters believe only government can save us, then I say, may God bless us all any way.

Loren Klaus

Glen Carbon

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