
Madison County pro bono committee assists 34 pro se litigants in second quarter


Sunday, February 23, 2025

Madison County pro bono committee assists 34 pro se litigants in second quarter

More than 30 people representing themselves pro se in lawsuits pending in Madison and Bond Counties received professional assistance through the Attorneys for the Third Judicial Circuit Pro Bono Committee in the second quarter. 

More than 20 volunteer lawyers provided free appointments for 34 members of the public who are on limited incomes and do not have attorneys. 

"The court system is sometimes confusing for people who represent themselves," Madison County Chief Judge David Hylla stated in a press release. "The attorneys who volunteer to give legal information to the public help each person better understand the law and how court operates." 

The courthouse self-help center assists between 900 and 1,100 people each month and is available for people of limited incomes who do not have attorneys and are litigating civil cases. The program is not available for criminal cases. Verification of income may be required. 

Appointments are available on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month in the law library in the lower level of the courthouse located at 155 N. Main Street in Edwardsville.

To schedule an appointment, contact Lauren Jansen at 618-296-4472 or email at lljansen@co.madison.il.us


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