
Madison County to host OMA and FOIA seminar


Saturday, January 4, 2025

Madison County to host OMA and FOIA seminar

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A seminar for local and appointed officials, as well as the publlic, on Open Meetings Act and Freedom of Information Act issues will be held at 5 p.m., Aug. 9 in the county board room of the County Administration Building, 157 N. Main St., Edwardsville.

According to a press release issued last week, Madison County Board members, township and municipal officials, school district leaders and school board members, park, library, fire and water district and department heads are encouraged to attend.

Attorneys Christopher Boggs and Ella York with the Public Access Bureau of the Illinois Attorney General’s Office will present. The two-hour seminar will also included information on the State Officials & Employees Ethics Act, followed by a question and answer session.

Kurt Prenzler | Kurt Prenzler

“This seminar is not only open to public officials, but citizens are welcome to attend as well,” board chairman Kurt Prenzler said in the release.

The event is free of charge, though seating is expected to be limited. Those interested in attending can email Madison County communications manager Cynthia Ellis at cmellis@co.madison.il.us.

Revamped in early January 2010, The OMA is a state law requiring that all meetings of public bodies be open to the public, except in certain and limited instances where a closed door setting can be legally justified.

OMA rules also stipulate that the public be given advance notice of all meetings, including details about time, place and subject matter. It is also the legal responsibility of all public officials to educate themselves under the Illinois Open Meetings Act.


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