
Wimps, whiners and wussies


Monday, March 31, 2025

Wimps, whiners and wussies

Their View
Webp general court 05


Imagine if you will, that someone - anyone - was involved in a very bad accident on November 6, two days before the election. They slipped into a coma, only to come out two weeks later. Naturally, they asked about current events. The nursing staff informs that there have been near riots, protests with citizens screaming “Not my President…” after the election. The nation seemed gripped by a bad case of Sore Loser Syndrome. Assuming the reality before his loss of consciousness, he obviously believes those DEPLORABLE Trump supporters...just cannot, will not accept the results of an election. He operates in this universe for a while, only to be dosed with the cold reality of the Trump victory and Republican landslide. His world is crushed and confused. Welcome to America, circa 2016. Welcome to the Nightmare on Liberal Street.

As one who foresaw the Trump victory, the insanity that follows is all too amusing. Talking heads who but 10 days before predicted a Clinton blow out, were in real, hysterical tears on Election night. All pretense of objectivity was abandoned, as all hands were on deck as HMS –CLINTONTANTIC struck icebergs in Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Florida and Pennsylvania, fatal blows to the voyage of inevitability. But by far, shocking though Election night might have been, it pales when compared to the after party.

Whether it is the insulting comparison by the November 21 USA TODAY of the Trump election to the Civil War, the assassination of Robert Kennedy and the resignation of Richard Nixon as low points in American history, or the rude and condescending lecture by the cast of “Hamilton” to Vice President-Elect Pence, the liberal Democrat reaction has been an ongoing tapestry of classless, childish behavior. News flash… We won... You lost. Get over it, get over yourselves.

The President-Elect has repeatedly reached out, promising to be the leader of all his fellow countrymen. Donald J. Trump IS the next President of the United States. Deal with it and move forward. Step out of your self-created bubble and come into the real world, with real problems, problems which now, for the first time in a very long time, have a chance for solutions. Sour grapes, misinformed calls to abolish the Electoral College, or fund-raising for recounts are as senseless as the hypocritical protester, shouting obscenities about and toward the new President, all the while holding the Clinton sign reading “Love Trumps Hate.” The irony is just too much.

President-Elect Trump is entitled to the same degree of courtesy, the same “honey moon” period as his predecessor. While I do not expect for one second that the self-admitted biased media - the New York Times shocking post-election promise to return to “Honest Journalism” - I would like to believe that Trump will be given at least some degree of the respect the office command. Such appears not to be the case, with fanatical, dishonest Senator Elizabeth Warren calling for investigations into the Trump transition effort, all three weeks of it. Silent is the Instigator in Chief, realizing that his bet of a positive Presidential legacy on a Hillary victory is now in ruins. Worse is the deafening silence of the defeated Candidate herself, choosing not to urge her supporter to buck it up and move on, but instead wallow in the mud of blaming all but herself for the greatest political blunder in modern times. Mrs. Clinton would be well served to appreciate the Trump generosity and graciousness in victory. Poking the bear yields dire consequences. She has not been pardoned...yet.

The time has now come for those like-minded to act. To act on convictions, not just what is pleasant or easy. I believe strongly that the cast and author of “Hamilton” owe Pence an apology for subjecting him to an unwanted lecture, when the man only came to see the show. I feel so strongly that I sold my tickets at a loss. I did not expect a reaction. It is but a spit in the ocean… but rather the idea that we can no longer just ignore evidences of a lack of respect, even if from those we desire. The play seems terrific; I really wanted to see it. But the price - subsidizing by muteness conduct unbecoming the public dialogue, is too high. Perhaps such small steps can lead to a new era of true tolerance, one in which the shadow of “political correctness” will not inhibit the flow of ideas. We are better if such occurs. As of November 8, a new dawn of freedom awaits. Be not afraid.


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