
How is pregnancy an option?


Sunday, February 23, 2025

How is pregnancy an option?

To the Editor:

I want to respond to the July letter by Jeremy Plank, board member on Options Now, formerly Arms of Love. In particular, the statement, "want a safe, confidential place to weigh out all your options, then please know that you can start right here in the Riverbend are by contacting Options Now in Godfrey."

If you represent yourselves as a pro-life organization, when did a pregnancy become an option? It seems your suggestion "to weigh out all your options" sound more pro-choice than pro-life, and the unborn child is a life and gift from God and not a so-called "option."

I stand and pray down at the Granite City abortion mill each week with a vital ministry, Small Victories. This ministry has an ultrasound van, with volunteer nurses, doctors, free baby supplies, food and clothing, resources in order for pregnant women and families to thrive and saving unborn babies scheduled to be aborted, and would never tell the girls to come "weigh all your options."

By using this terminology you are giving into today's immoral way of thinking. This is not a Christian moral way, to trick women into your center who are seeking assistance.

Options Now implies that it is a health center. The abortion clinic calls itself a health center also. Options Now no longer gives pregnant girls in need material help such as baby supplies, food, clothing or cribs, car seats, like Arms of Love did.

Helen Whited



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