
A Serious Man


Wednesday, February 5, 2025

A Serious Man

“A Serious Man” was the 2009 dark comedy from the eclectic filmmaking Cohn Brothers. Lighter than others, a bit darker than some, it was critically acclaimed but unfortunately did poorly at the box office relegated to semi cult status among Cohn junkies.  It tells the tale of a man who deserves respect  - but does not always get it.  A Serious Man - we are told - is one who deserves to be  respected...not because of how he looks, but because of who he is.

This somewhat obscure film is today’s movie metaphor, setting forth the nature of the choice facing Americans on Election Day in a little more than a week's  time.

In the late Summer of 2008, we were in trouble. Who actually were the arsonists could be debated, but it was no debate that the house was on fire. In desperation, we turned to a fireman who lacked even the experience of putting out one fire. As it turned out, he could not tell water from gasoline.  It was no wonder that the fire still burns, worsened by the mistakes made by the Chosen One.  Now - four hard years later -  we  need to be serious. We cannot be swayed by charisma, nor blinded by fear.  It is time for the adult swim.  It time for a serious man. It is time for Romney.

For all his adult life, Mitt Romney has been a problem solver.  His background  is the requisite resume, what former president Clinton in a moment of candor termed a “sterling business career.”  James Carville’s “it's the economy, stupid” remains true today, as does the    old adage, “There’s no substitute for experience.”

This is what has been missing;  it is the reason for the Obama failure; it is precisely what Romney offers.  It is time to be serious about the depth of our financial mess and recognize  that only disciplined sacrifices can turn the tide.  Einstein reportedly defined insanity as “repeating the same mistake, and then expecting a different result.”  This alone is reason enough to deny Obama four more years.

Romney’s record of rescuing  the 2002  Olympics, the governorship of Massachusetts, and YES, the success of Bain Capital, speak to his credentials for the job.  The truth about his work at Bain Capital has been lost in the fog of political wars, distorted by Democrats, downplayed by Republicans.  Not only have Staples and many other public companies followed Bain’s advice to affluence, but so did the Ohio State Teachers Retirement Fund, along with hundreds of governmental pension funds, including the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund. So much for shafting the little guy to make the rich only richer.

Watching the third and final debate, it was patently clear which candidate was more Presidential.  Refusing to stoop to the level of cheap personal attacks, Romney presented his case with class and professionalism.  It stood in stark contrast to Obama’s snippy, belligerent and  condescending tone, one that was beneath the dignity of the office he temporarily holds. It is easy to see why one is a talker and one is doer; why one relies on empty promises, and one presents a background of accomplishments; easy to see why one should go and the other take his place at the White House.

The President’s enablers and allies in the main stream press have yet to call him on his repeated misstatement (out right lie) regarding Romney’s position on the American car industry.  His article in the New York Times  - mislabeled by the editors as to the title (something I do know about) - does indeed call for government financial assistance, to the companies and the consumers.  As the President invited, you can look it up.  Don’t wait for an apology.

In a Romney presidency, there will be neither dishonesty nor dysfunction when Americans abroad are in harm's way. In a Romney presidency,  Mexican drug lords will not be given automatic weapons, only to use them to kill Americans, nor will the Attorney General cover up such reckless conduct.

In a Romney presidency, the Secretary of the Treasury, the head of the IRS, will pay income taxes just like any other citizen.

In a Romney presidency, the leader of Israel will get the meeting ...  and David Letterman will be ignored.

It will be a reversal of attitude,  of procedure and of fortunes.  It shall be the Change to bring Hope.

A new day lies over the horizon, one in which the promise of America can best be brought to all of her citizens. It takes only clear eyes to see the difference the right leader can make, how a man of integrity and a life history of achievement is more important that a “tingly feeling down the leg," and how critical the time now is.

It takes the courage to make a change for the better. Be not afraid.

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