
Bethalto traffic light ignored, woman claims in suit


Monday, March 31, 2025

Bethalto traffic light ignored, woman claims in suit

A woman who allegedly ran a red light and caused a crash is being asked to pay more than $50,000 to a driver allegedly injuried in the collission.

Jennifer Hendricks filed a lawsuit July 19 in Madison County Circuit Court against Linda S. Meyer.

The alleged crash happened at a Bethalto intersection on Feb. 28, 2011. Hendricks says she was driving east on Erwin Plegge Boulevard near the intersection of Ashbrook Street. Meyer, who was driving south on Ashbrook, allegedly ignored a traffic signal and pulled into the path of Hendrick's vehicle, according to the complaint.

Hendricks says her vehicle and Meyer's vehicle collided, causing "extensive injuries" to her head and body. Hendricks says she has and will continue to experience pain and suffering, lost wages, disability and disfigurement. Hendricks contends that Meyer was negligent for failing to avoid the crash and is, therefore, liable.

Hendricks is asking to be awarded more than $50,000 in damages.

Attorney Robert H. Gregory of East Alton is representing her.

Madison County Circuit Court Cast No. 12-L-1044


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