

Friday, April 19, 2024

Just what we need: another commission

Supposing folks in Illinois don't eat out enough. What to do? Form an Illinois State Commission on Access to Restaurants?

Or maybe we don't own enough cars. Solution? Illinois State Commission on Access to Automobiles?

What if we're not doing enough of something else? State Commission on Access to That?

Who is behind all these government commissions that seem to multiply like weeds in a garden?

The answer is, who is too often a busybody: an operator trying to hijack governmental power to advance personal interests while pretending to care only for the public good. You can bet whatever the commission recommends it will have redounding benefit for who.

We've got enough who's already, and we don't need any more of their self-serving, allegedly altruistic commissions. Most often, the solution to the problem of not enough of this or that is to do nothing because there is no real problem.

Fortunately, there are no such things as the Illinois State Commissions on Access to Restaurants, Access to Automobiles, and Access to That.

But there is, as of now, an Illinois Supreme Court Commission on Access to Justice. Supposedly it hopes to find ways to help less fortunate people get a fair shake in the courts and corridors of justice.

Would you believe some folks are worried that not enough people are going to court and suing each other?

Who would worry about that? A bunch of lawyers and their law groups?



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