
Defendant files motion to compel in suit over ouster from Collinsville Recreation Club


Monday, March 3, 2025

Defendant files motion to compel in suit over ouster from Collinsville Recreation Club



A defendant in a Madison County defamation suit has filed a motion to compel in a suit filed over a lost membership at the Collinsville Recreation Club.

Robert Dorman of Collinsville filed suit against David Tarrant last October, alleging Tarrant started rumors about him, which led to a vote against him and his ouster.

Dorman also claims he lost his 125th interest in the equity of the corporation's assets. He is seeking a judgment of more than $50,000.

The defense motion to compel states Tarrant served interrogatories and requests for production of documents to the plaintiff on April 28, however plaintiffs have not responded.

The defense requests the court to compel the plaintiff to respond to his written discovery requests within 14 days of the motion filed June 11.

William L. Berry of William Berry and Associates in Collinsville represents the plaintiff.

John F. Cunningham of Brown & James in Belleville represents the defense.

The case is assigned to Madison County Circuit Judge William Mudge.

Madison County Circuit Court case number: 11-L-1118.

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