
'Fakegate' developed by global warming zealots


Sunday, March 9, 2025

'Fakegate' developed by global warming zealots

To the Editor:

Nothing is more discombobulating to believers of global warming than when their unscientific bubble of belief is punctured with facts they fear might sound credible to other believers.

Republican presidential candidate, Rick Santorum, was raked over the coals by a Global Warming-believing-media when making a statement at a Steubenville, Ohio rally on February 18 suggesting that global warming was a religion of sorts.

But, was Santorum's statement untrue? Believers of global warming do seem to put "Mother Earth" above all else in a fierce dedication that is akin to worship. Instead of accomplishing their mission of saving Mother Earth, they favor imposing rules and regulations on coal and oil which result in a crippled economy, while simultaneously they promote and foist inefficient, unreliable and more expensive wind and solar (and electric cars) upon the American people.

Without a doubt the crown jewel of global warming fanatics, i.e., Al Gore, and the Obama administration was realized on December 7, 2009, through a mandate issued by Obama's EPA (Environmental Protection Agency). At that time CO2 was declared a dangerous pollutant (even though necessary for plant life) for the express purpose of being able to brand CO2 as a pollutant and the main agent of man-made global warming. By Obama's EPA standards, all humans and animals are now walking toxic pollutants because CO2 is exhaled!

As an unabashed skeptic of man-made global warming, the following thoughts are direct and to the point as they note the unscientific basis upon which man-man global warming is based:

Simply put, the global warming and climate change theory that everyone is talking is a great big lie which is damaging our economy, costing jobs, closing energy plants and which common sense and scientific facts can disprove. The "man-caused" global warming theory revolves around the concept that modern man's use of fossil fuels (oil, gas, coal) for energy and transportation create great emissions of carbon dioxide which accumulate in the atmosphere, causing the earth's temperature to rise dramatically and thereby jeopardizing life on earth so that in 25, 50 or 100 years all mankind will be endangered.

These same experts claim that in the last 100 – 150 years the temperature of the earth has risen only about 1 degree Fahrenheit – and yes, that is what the panic is about. However, the fact is the planet is always in a state of climate change. The earth has been going through natural cycles of warming and cooling since it began – remember the ICE AGE we were all taught about?

Mankind's power to affect the climate is almost nothing compared to the immense power that the ocean, the sun and planetary forces have upon the earth. Simply put, mankind could not change the climate if we wanted too — we simply don't have that kind of power.

More and more Americans are finally waking up to the realization that global warming is but a hoax perpetrated on a gullible public, starting with the hysterical rantings of Al Gore about the earth's impending demise in his movie, "Inconvenient Truth."

Much to the horror of global warming proponents, well known scientists are beginning to penetrate the shield erected by die-hard believers to stamp down the scientific findings of the thousands of global warming critics world-wide.

But, in a show of how zealot proponents of man-made global warming are attempting to prevent their unscientific theory from being punctured, one scientist and global warming fanatic and alarmist, Peter Gleick, committed a despicable act in which he admitted to soliciting internal documents from the Heartland Institute under someone else's name, and then sent them to the media with the intent to embarrass The Heartland Institute and its president, Joe Bast.

Peter Gleick's actions produced a scandal known as "Fakegate."

In response to a surprising editorial published in the Chicago Tribune on February 25 about Fakegate, Heartland's President Joe Bast wrote the following (Although not widely circulated, I did obtain permission from Joe Bast to quote his response):

"This may be the first and only positive editorial the Chicago Tribune has run about us in the past 20 years. It's not entirely right -- the writer leaves no question but that they believe global warming is 'dangerous,' and doesn't mention the conspirators such as Desmogblog, etc., who shamelessly continue to post and cite the stolen forged documents."

Chicago's Heartland has for years been at the forefront of the debate about man-made global warming as a skeptic, in conjunction and in agreement with renowned scientists world-wide, which proves, as the saying goes, that a prophet is seldom appreciated in his home territory.

It is apparent that Global Warming promoters will stop at nothing to discredit global warming skeptics for their livelihood depends on it.

How much time will pass before global warming is relegated to the dust bin of history where it rightly belongs? It can't arrive too soon!

Nancy Thorner
Lake Bluff, Ill.

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