
Highland Supply sues Puerto Rican vendor


Saturday, March 1, 2025

Highland Supply sues Puerto Rican vendor

Two corporations have filed suit against the company that they claim owes them more than $60,000 for materials.

Highland Supply Corporation and Southern Steel and Wire claim they sold unspecified goods and merchandise to defendant Papelera Del Plata of Puerto Rico.

However, Papelera Del Plata has failed to pay the $61,772.67 due to the plaintiffs, according to the complaint filed Dec. 9 in Madison County Circuit Court case number.

"Demand was made on Defendant for payment thereof, and payment was refused," the suit states.

The plaintiffs are seeking the money they say they are owed, plus pre-judgment interest and costs.

Christopher P. Threlkeld of Lucco, Brown, Threlkeld and Dawson in Edwardsville will be representing them.

Madison County Circuit Court case number: 11-L-1336.

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