
Alton woman claims porch swing gave way; Sues property owner for injuries


Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Alton woman claims porch swing gave way; Sues property owner for injuries


An Alton woman has filed suit against the owner of a porch swing after she claims the swing detached from the roof of the porch and fell, causing her to break her ankle.

Stephanie Phillips claims she was leasing property at 1918 Washington Ave. in Alton from defendant Paul D. McMahan. On the property was a porch swing. Phillips was sitting on the swing on March 21 when it suddenly crashed to the ground.

In addition to breaking her left ankle, Phillips suffered pain, discomfort, disfigurement and mental anguish and lost her normal life because of the accident, according to the complaint filed Nov. 21 in Madison County Circuit Court. She also incurred medical costs, has been restricted in her normal activities and has lost wages, the suit states.

Phillips blames McMahan for causing her injuries, saying he negligently failed to warn her of the dangerous condition of the porch swing, allowed the porch swing to remain on her premises and failed to maintain the swing in a safe condition.

In her complaint, Phillips is seeking a judgment of more than $50,000, plus costs and other relief the court deems just.

She will be represented by Amy M. Meyer of Meyer Law Firm in Alton.

Madison County Circuit Court case number: 11-L-1248.


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