
Damages sought from Karban Knotty Pines


Thursday, March 13, 2025

Damages sought from Karban Knotty Pines

Taisha Furlow filed a lawsuit Nov. 10 in St. Clair County Circuit Court, claiming she sustained injuries when Brandy Redwine operated her vehicle.

Furlow does not specify how she incurred her injuries, but does say Redwine operated her vehicle while intoxicated after drinking at defendant Karban Knotty Pines on July 1 and July 2.

Because of the incident, Furlow endured pain and suffering, incurred medical costs, lost time from her employment and has been unable to attend to her normal affairs, according to the complaint.

Furlow names Karban as a defendant, saying it failed to stop serving Redwine alcohol. However, Furlow does not name Redwine as a defendant.

In her complaint, Furlow seeks a judgment of more than $50,000, plus costs and other relief the court deems just.

Mark C. Scoggins, Clay B. St. Clair and Anthony P. Gilbreth of Crowder and Scoggins in Columbia will be representing her.

St. Clair County Circuit Court case number: 10-L-589.


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