
Bad hair days


Saturday, February 22, 2025

Bad hair days

With power

Without hair dryer

Recent power outages have devastated the region, displacing familes, disrupting businesses and otherwise making life miserable for lots of folks in the Metro area.

On the scale of seismic importance, it barely registers. But an under-reported ice storm-related tragedy was the horrific sight of un-coiffed men and women going about their business as if nothing was the matter. You know what we're talking about -- plaster-flat heads outnumbering perky 'dos.

On swearing-in Monday, hairdryer-less Chief Judge Ann Callis lamented The Record's non-flattering photography.

At her ceremony, Judge-Elect Barbara Crowder told everyone that she washed her hair at home, but had to drive to her mother-in-law's house to dry it. Who knew?

But not a hair out of place for the impeccably groomed Judge Dan Stack, aka Vinny Barbarino. Thank you.

And while the black robe victors reveled, a moment of respect was awarded to the associate judge who didn't win Nov. 7.

Judge James Hackett was acknowledged with warm applause from supporters across both political aisles.

Call Lance Mallon
Chief Judge Callis, one of many who helped bolster our local tourism industry by lodging out in the storm's aftermath, tripped while descending a staircase at the Collinsville Holiday Inn as she and the masses were inconvenienced by yet another power failure.

A few bruises around the wrists were noticeable, which has Dicta wondering if the clumsy attorney Lance Mallon, on assignment as the unofficial swearing-in photographer, had more than just a passing interest in the shoot.

Northbound 55
The political grapevine is grinding with Jay Hoffman grist. Word is the star is about to rise 90 miles on the northern horizon.

Even though Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White was re-elected Nov. 7 to another four-year term, insiders know that Mr. Secretary, well, isn't really there taking notes.

Sources tell Dicta that the Collinsville Democrat will be packing his bags and assuming the SOS role in June. With better than three years of free publicity he'll be a shoe-in for an incumbency run in 2010.


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