To the editor:
Given the facts that have come to light about Madison County Treasurer candidate Kurt Prenzler, I can't imagine who can still support him for office. The fact that he ran out on a debt and had to be chased across state lines, and threatened with contempt before he finally paid a loan, should disqualify him from the treasurer's office.
Someone who won't pay his own bills can't be trusted with $500 million of our tax money.
When you add that to the fact he was once active in the extremist, right-wing Constitution Party, which is committed to ending public education, I can't imagine anyone is still taking him seriously.
Kurt Prenzler needs to give it up. Madison County doesn't need a right-wing, extremist carpet-bagger as our next county treasurer. I'm supporting Fred Bathon for re-election.
Bob Ponce
For Bathon