National Milk Producers Federation
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Recent News About National Milk Producers Federation
EAST ST. LOUIS – Milk producers and dairy cooperatives facing a class action trial have moved to call it off, claiming some class members made money off others.
When dairy prices rise, having a cow is a good thing – for dairy farmers, anyway. Assuming that their costs haven’t risen and offset the added income, they make more money, which is good for them. They can stay in business and keep feeding the American people, many of whom seem to have no idea where milk, cheese, and beef come from.
EAST ST. LOUIS – Tennessee lawyer Charles Barrett confirmed an anonymous tip that economist Mark Dwyer worked on a class action about milk, but he denied that Dwyer breached any confidentiality.
EAST ST. LOUIS – Milk producers defending a consumer class action on an antitrust claim received anonymous mail claiming economist Russell Lamb signed an expert report he didn’t write.