Recent News About Madison County Sheriff Department
Suffice it to say that Jeff Larner has the experience, education and training to be the Sheriff, but most of all the honesty, integrity and compassion to be the best choice as Sheriff of Madison County.
Major Jeff Connor, who currently serves as Madison County Chief Deputy Sheriff, announced that he is running on the Republican ticket for Madison County Sheriff in the 2022 election.
No action was taken by the Madison County Finance Committee during a heated special meeting on a resolution seeking additional pay or comp time for four Madison County departments – amounting to the equivalent of nearly $400,000 in extra liability for a two week pay period.
As Madison County departments work with “skeleton crews” in an effort to comply with COVID-19 guidelines, several department heads are requesting additional pay and comp time as an incentive for employees who come to the office to work in person - amounting to nearly $400,000 in extra liability for a two week pay period.