

Friday, May 10, 2024

�Que usted sabe?

Judge Moran

Tom Lakin

The Judicial Inquiry Board, the investigative arm of Illinois' court system, has been calling employees at the Madison County courthouse asking questions about former Circuit Judge George Moran, Jr., Dicta has learned.

Moran abruptly resigned in February, amidst reports he was attending Spanish classes when he was supposed to be in court, going to Cardinals games on a high-powered lawyer's dime and posing in a robe -- a judicial robe, that is-- on an Internet dating site.

Poor caddying

The Illinois Trial Lawyers Association annual summer golf outing attracts legislators and judges from across Southern Illinois, giving them a chance to fairway schmooze with some of the state's finest litigators.

This year, however, they'll do so in a bit less style than years previous. Members are muttering that new ITLA President Judy Cates has moved the event, scheduled for Aug. 10, from tony Sunset Hills Country Club in Edwardsville to less luxurious, public Clinton Hill Golf Course in Swansea.

At least the dress code won't be as stringent.

Good Will Hunting

Assistant U.S. Attorneys Stephen Clark and Kevin Burke, seen conspiculously leaving Edwardsville attorney David Fahrenkamp's office Thursday afternoon, told reporters with a wink and a smirk that they were having a "will prepared."

The mood of the dynamic duo was remarkably cheerful after their lengthy three-hour business meeting. Sources tell Dicta that Fahrenkamp is working on an immunity deal for an adult female client who may have had sex with an underage boy under the watchful eye of East Alton lawyer Thomas Lakin.

The Closer

Speaking of Lakin, special prosecutor Charles Coburn-- brought in to relieve Madison County State's Attorney Bill Mudge of a conflict of interest headache in the Lakin case-- is reportedly on the fast track.

Coburn has ample evidence and is likely to bypass the grand jury and bring charges sometime in the next two weeks, sources tell Dicta.


Three Madison County bailiffs have retired. Dicta offers a fond farewell to Bob Paige, Fred Young and Fred Perry. Thanks for your public service, guys.

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