John J. Hopkins News
Barack Hussein Trump
With the first Presidential debate competed and the second looming on Sunday it is good to reflect and analyze the state of Campaign 2016.
What difference does it make?
As Shakespeare once wrote, "The evil men lives on after them, but the good is oft interred with their bones." Such will it be so with Madame Clinton.
Rest in peace, champion of the forgotten
With the Oscar nominations being announced today, it seems only fitting that the first column of 2016 deals with subject matter that gave rise to an award winning performance.
It's a Wonderful County
Hope born of the realization that despite all the negative publicity, it really was a Wonderful County, and the power to change the current course of events comes from within–within him and all who think alike. He finally felt a sense of Holiday Peace. He headed out – not to the office, but home to his family…
Lest we forget
Francis Ford Coppola, Oscar winning director and screenwriter and wine maker extraordinaire, had a less than successful yet very good film in 1987 with “Gardens of Stone.” Dealing with the Old Guard, the Army unit assigned to the ceremonial duties at Arlington National cemetery, the story centers on a back story to the Vietnam conflict, the tension between preserving the living at all costs and honoring the dead for their payment of the “last full measure of devotion.” A good picture,
The purpose of the First Amendment
Demanding impartial reporting as opposed to cheerleading requires effort; it requires commitment; it requires dedication. In the final analysis, the document that begins “We the People,” must be enforced BY the people. It may be painful, but worth the struggle.
Let’s let Boys ... become Men
Since the dawn of time, tracing back to Adam’s involuntary donation of a rib, the relationship between the sexes has been the source of much consternation.
Choosing the next associate: 'Do the Right Thing'
(Editor's note: This commentary written by Alton attorney John J.
It's a Wonderful County
Hands Up...Don't Think
Barack Milhous Obama
It's a Wonderful County
That's Alright Mama
It's a Wonderful County
A Serious Man