

Friday, April 19, 2024

Legal News Line examines state attorneys-general, supreme courts

Legal News Line (LNL) is a brand new information service providing daily, national news coverage of state attorneys-general and state supreme courts.

Today, our states' top cops -- attorneys-general -- are playing an increasingly activist role in their aggressive stands against insurance companies, auto makers and utility companies. Suing big business has become a routine means of accomplishing what cannot otherwise be done legislatively.

Of course, when anti-business legislation is enacted, some attorneys-general stand and cheer. For instance, Ohio Attorney General Marc Dann on Monday commended new Gov. Ted Strickland's veto of a bill that would have limited lawsuits against lead-pigment manufacturers.

Our state supreme courts are also getting in on the act. In Nevada, the supreme court recently sanctioned a defense attorney who criticized frivolous litigation during several lawsuit trials involving insurers in 2004.

The focus of LNL coverage, which can be found at www.legalnewsline.com, is to analyze decisions/rulings and provide readers with context and perspective.

LegalNewsLine will connect the dots from state-to-state, providing a national blue print of the activities of attorneys-general and state supreme courts.

Never before has a single information news source endeavored to cover these important public offices.

We hope you'll stay tuned.


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